120th Anniversary/Honoring Henry “Hank” Waltman Higgins
Over 100 alumni, actives and candidate pledges of the University of Colorado Gamma Kappa Chapter celebrated the 120th anniversary of the chapter. They are pictured here in front of the Main House. Members, friends and families gathered around the chapter’s 750 lb bronze buffalo, “Sluggo”, the centerpiece of the Buffalo Brothers Memorial where bronze plaques honor more than 40 brothers who have passed on to the Chapter Eternal.
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117th Anniversary/Bob Stransky Athletic Field Dedication
116th Anniversary/Honoring Vance Devoe Brand
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Vance Devoe Brand
Born in Longmont, Colorado, May 9, 1931. Married to the former Beverly Ann Whitnel. Two daughters and four sons. Enjoys running to stay in condition, hiking, skiing, and camping.
Graduated from Longmont High School, Longmont, Colorado; received a bachelor of science degree in Business from the University of Colorado in 1953, a bachelor of science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from there in 1960, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the UCLA in 1964.
Prior to his retirement from NASA in January 2008, former astronaut Vance D. Brand served as acting Associate Director for Programs at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. Prior to that assignment, Brand served as the Center’s acting director and deputy director for Aerospace Projects. He also briefly served as acting chief engineer after an assignment as assistant chief of Flight Operations at Dryden.
115th Anniversary/Burdie Haldorson Basketball Court dedication
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CU hoops legend Burdie Haldorson honored on court at Sigma Nu Fraternity
110th Anniversary
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106th Anniversary
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105th Anniversary
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100th Anniversary
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Program Booklet
50th Anniversary
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Other Galleries
Alumni Composite Gallery
Sigma Nu Buffalo Memorial Gallery